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Faith Lutheran in Cameron at 9:30 am
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Faith Lutheran Church Cameron
201 South 4th Street
Cameron, WI 54822
Phone: 715-458-2788
Church Office Email:
Tentative Office Hours (Please call to confirm):
Monday -Thursday: 9-Noon
Dial 951-799-9891 to listen to the Worship services.
This We Believe
I think Pastor Kelly Fryer put it best when she said these are the Five Guiding Principles of the church:
1) Jesus is Lord
God has come down to us, made God’s self known to us, in Jesus Christ. God always comes down to us. God does not expect us to make our way up to God by perfect behavior, as if that is even possible. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8 Our response to the promise of life and salvation God has given us through Jesus Christ is to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
2) Everyone Is Welcome
God so loved the world, everyone! As God has welcomed us just as we are, so we are to welcome others just as they are. We all stand as equals at the foot of the cross. The church belongs to God and God decides who is invited. God has invited all people.
3) Love Changes People
We don’t have to change in order for God to love us. But when we are loved unconditionally by God, that love changes our lives. “We love because God first loved us.” I John 5:19 The question is: Now that we don’t HAVE to do anything to earn God’s love and salvation, what are we going to do? How will we live our lives? In response to what God has already done for us in Jesus, we worship God, seek to live the life of love and serving Jesus taught us, and grow in obedience to God’s ways.
4) Everybody Has Something To Offer
God has given each person their own unique gifts, talents, personality, and passions that they can offer in service to God, our family, the church, the community, and the world. In living our lives serving God and others, our work and our life become meaningful and fulfilling.
5) The World Needs What We Have
The church is the only organization in the world that does not exist for its own sake. It’s not about us. It is about sharing the good news of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ, and making a difference in our neighbor’s lives and in the world. As Jesus did for us and for the world, we are set free from sin, evil and death so that we may give our lives in service to others. The world needs to hear the good news through our words and deeds.
ELCA – Faith Lutheran is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. For more detailed statements of belief link to
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